We have had a wonderful experience at this school. Thoughtful teachers, welcoming space, playground and community of families. Includes Spanish, movement and music enrichment thru a play-based model. My kids have loved this preschool.

About Resurrection Lutheran Weekday Preschool in Arlington, VA


Our Mission is to provide a caring setting that creates and fosters a sense of community as well as a life-long love of learning in your child. We have a mixed-age, play-based group program for our preschoolers. Children ages 2-5 years will be combined in preschool classrooms where they will have lots of hands-on learning experiences with both our staff and our older preschool students being positive role models for their learning to take place.


Resurrection Lutheran Weekday Preschool (RLWP) opened its doors in September 1997 at its current location in Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church in North Arlington. Originally housed at Christ United Methodist Church, the school moved to its current home when the hosting church relocated and its former preschool closed.


The purpose of Resurrection Lutheran Weekday Preschool is to provide young children and their families an opportunity to participate in an early learning experience within a Christian framework. The school recognizes that each child is a unique individual, and with that in mind, the program provides a balanced emphasis on the mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual growth of the child. The school embraces the philosophy of "learning through play" as well as a mixed-age group setting to encourage learning.

The goals of the preschool are to help each child:

  • Develop a good self-concept while developing leadership skills
  • Have a wide variety of learning experiences and have opportunities to develop leadership skills
  • Learn to independently choose activities which interest them
  • Have opportunities to develop individual talents and to explore materials creatively
  • Develop social skills which make work and play with others a satisfying experience
  • Develop physical skills suitable to their age and growth pattern
  • Feel comfortable with the immediate environment of home, school, church, and community


The preschool strives to be a fun and special place where children get to experience things they might not do at home and explore their natural curiosity. In addition to the mixed-age groups and play-based curriculum, enrichment classes are incorporated into monthly activities. The enrichment classes have included science, Spanish, sign language and movement over the years. Field trips are scheduled several times a year to local destinations. In addition to the special learning experiences, the children often enjoy riding a yellow school bus that is chartered for the occasions. Field Trips are Subject to Change and may be cancelled for the upcoming School Year due to COVID-19. Teacher conferences and class photos are also offered during the year. Students also enjoy using the fenced outdoor playground.

Religious Affiliation

RLWP is a Christian-based preschool and a program operating under the auspices of Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church. However, given the diverse religious backgrounds of the school community, religious instruction is not offered in the course of the morning program. Blessings are offered before snack time and holidays are acknowledged including those from other students' religions.

Parent Involvement

The preschool believes that children succeed best when their parents are actively involved in their education. Though not a co-op, parents are encouraged to share in this experience and to take an active role in their child's program at the preschool. Many opportunities are offered throughout the year for parents to be active participants in the preschool community such as the annual playground spruce up, parent coffees, Halloween Parade, school-wide Thanksgiving feast, and chaperoning field trips. The school does not convene any annual fundraising campaigns or activities.

Through the years, parents and their children have been involved in several community service projects to benefit local organizations as well as teach young children the importance of being a part of a larger community. Every year, families are offered the opportunity to participate in a secret Santa program to benefit local charities. Once or twice a year, family volunteers also coordinate efforts to support various church based service projects which have included clothing drives and food drives. RLWP has also helped local pediatric clinics when in need. A few years ago when the David M. Brown Planetarium in Arlington was at risk of closing, preschool families made donations on behalf of the school to help save this educational space. Thanks to the families who donated, RLWP is listed as an official "Friend of the Planetarium."

Operation and Licensing

The Preschool is administered by the Weekday Preschool Committee which includes church representatives, parents, and officers of the Preschool. Annually, as a church-based program, RLWP completes the necessary inspections and submission of documents to maintain its religious-exemption from state licensure. These include fire safety and environmental inspections as well as maintaining health and security standards for staff.